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Friday, July 19, 2013

Alcohol not the only reason for Driving Under the Influence

An national survey discovered that nearly 10 million Americans drive while under the impact of a solution or drug. This underscores the way that many Tennessee drivers don't distinguish t... READ MORE >>
Friday, February 1, 2013

Recent Study Finds One out of ever 4 Tennessee applicants are declined by Health Insurance Companies

Insurers in Tennessee are declining applications at a rate of 25 percent, according to recent data. Though there remains nearly a full year before the true health insurance impact of the healthcar... READ MORE >>
Friday, February 1, 2013

Experts in Insurance industry choose Ravens to win Super Bowl

Insurance experts who make their living predicting and paying losses overwhelmingly believe that the Baltimore Ravens are headed for a loss in Sunday’s Super Bowl XLVII (47 for those who never learned Roman numerals). READ MORE >>
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